Cheylesmore Physiotherapy Practice

We treat a wide range of conditions and injuries that may have been sustained at home, at work, in an accident or whilst playing sports. We offer our treatments to patients of all age groups including
children. Please get in touch for more information on the services we offer.

What do we treat?
Sports Injuries
Sports Injuries
Sprains and strains are part of sports, but prompt advice and treatment can result in a quicker recovery time.
If you have been involved in a road traffic accident and have suffered a whiplash injury, we can offer many treatment techniques to help with pain and improve your range of movement.
Neck Pain
Neck Pain
Neck pain is common and has many triggers, but most are not serious. Sleeping awkwardly, twisting, repetitive positions and arthritis can all be causes, but prompt treatment will help to relieve these.
Back Pain
Back Pain
Whether from an injury or just sitting in the chair, back pain can affect anyone. Physiotherapy can help with pain management, postural advice, exercise and every day management as well as advice on staying active.
Shoulder Pain - Frozen Shoulder
Shoulder Pain - Frozen Shoulder
Physiotherapy can provide pain relief and increase range of movement in problematic shoulders. Hands on massage, acupuncture and ultrasound are all techniques that are useful in managing shoulder complaints.
Knee Pain
Knee Pain
Knee pain is very common and can result from sports, old age, degeneration, trauma or surgery. There are many physio interventions that can be used to assist in all aspects of knee pain management.
Disk and Spine Complaints
Disk and Spine Complaints
Disk issues can cause all sorts of symptoms, but using a variety of physio techniques can help with pain management. Exercise and advice can also provide a good self-management approach.
If you suffer with sciatica some hands on treatment and advice on stretching can help with your symptoms.
Whilst arthritis cannot be cured, regular physiotherapy can be helpful in managing your pain and improving your movement and flexibility.
Specialist massage and hands on techniques can be used to help with lymphedema and the associated swelling.
Joint Replacements
Joint Replacements
Making sure you use your new knee or hip appropriately is important. Tailored exercise plans and advice combined with some hands on physio can ensure you make the best recovery.
Recent Injuries
Recent Injuries
Trips, falls, sprains, pulled hamstrings, deep bruising, going over on your ankle or any other pulls or twinges can be treated with some physiotherapy. There are many self-management techniques we can teach you as well as traditional physio.